Thursday 16 August 2012

we often use 'we','you' in social interaction among groups.Quote an example like,we often tell the others that"u all should know yourselves well in order to face the challenges and ask them to change.
All the time is only YOU and WE,but where the'ME'.How many of us in this world are actually sitting down aside and figure out who are we what are we?Okay,in fact is important for a Designer or post designer to know their own identity and their originality or to begin a 'story with an epilogue. Designers who fail to know them own-self well will begin his/her with a prologue,thats mean JOURNEY ended when it just started and this also apply to every living being on earth too.

As i am a design student and i will be a designer in the future.I need a identity. KNOWING myself play a vital role on molding the next level of JOWIN FOO.But how?to know whats in my soul and my blood?Classics nor ancient artists concluded A piece of self portrait artwork gives the artists an identity in how unique they are.THUS,the self portraits of them not only shown the art movement of theirs centuries but also showed their life.I think self portrait is not just a simple artwork because it lets you think who you are,what are you.THIS IS unexplainable.With collaboration with my 2 dimensional design class assignment(GRAPHIC DESIGN STUDIES),i made a self-portrait based on graffiti and pop art because this two art-movement are close enough to be holding hands like a pair or couple together walking on the post modern street.In class,we been asked by Miss Lisa,lecturer to find our own originality by choosing the art movement as a theme to create a self-portrait.FINDING my own originally is not the hard because i known mine since last sem,THANKS to my lovely coursemate and lecture.Mine originality is all about markers which relates to graffiti and pop art well.I actually manipulated the marker pens with left hand like above the picture(BERSERK) and the pictures below.
well,let's about my self portrait.It is time to unveil the graphic style portrait unlike the other one at the TAPTOPTEE blog.
It might look a bit hard to understand.I painted based on my feelings and my thought(impressionism).It have six movement in my composition,bow wow sound so sonatina based.i am just craping with the sonatina based.It's true it has six part.Look at the first part,a dreaming kid sitting beside the pond fishing for big fish<some diff type of fish>.It reflects me dreaming for a success thingy but yet it is are to come true because every dream i have it is not unique and it is common and lack of originality,thus it reflects the social around me as well(POST-MODERN)civilization. DREAMS is like the flight of the birds,when dream come true it rocks just like when a bird learned how to fly,it will fly high.DREAM is  at the left whereas the rain symbolize the failure yet to be an experience.Now,a guy in the left eye reflects me has a self obsessed disease. PIANIST WITH squire,numbers and metronome says that i,jowin have some problem with his piano skills even thought i am inborn musical,thats what my teachers said;i not quite sure about it but i know i am quite a loser in a way.Piano teachers do always say musical and self-obsesseed blood do flow inside my body but to bad that i have the side-effects of that i can't balance up because i am inpatient and kinda impulsive.Is like i learn to run without learning to walk.Numbers and metronome,i have bad tempo.I love music very much,i dreamed to be an artist if it possible.FLOWers,is because i love it and i am not sissy please.i know it is kinda awkward when a guy say he likes flowers.Easter egg design on my face is because i might look super ego,but honestly i admit that i am too kine to be bully some more mostly by girls.Sigh.Crown shows the meaning of extrovert.Well, everyone has fear,i also have a few but not all listed,FIRST,is alone,second,GECKO,third,i am kiasu sometimes(scare to lose).I think i can't reveal much about me to you first,my lovely audience.BITS BY BITS would be nice. GOOD NIGHT.