Sunday 21 October 2012


Will explain the design later:) COMMERCIAL BREAK NOW

Saturday 20 October 2012


B E L L A D O N N A,  an experimental video
about MASK.An experimental video which redefine the term, Mask contextually which is more towards
abstract and in an expressive and impressional way.The way how we conform ourselves into the social, the way we have to hide our true selves and 'FAKE ourselves' But not all of us will hide our true selves to blend into the social,there's always an odd one who tries to be themselves to blend into social. It is very scary that the everyone's inner has an evil and deception in it.  Mask is not only a piece of plastic, wood or and so ever that can be wore on face. Well,it can be behavior or anything. So enjoy this piece of artwork cum video.

Directed by Jowin Foo, Art direction by Yap Yoong Ruey,
Soundtrack named Thrill by Ow Jie Yan and Chua Chi Yan,
Videography by Shook Leng, Post-editing by Jowin Foo
Make-up by Victoria Chew, Wardrobe by Vicxtoriya, Set-up by Andrew Chua
and Special thanks to Mr.Charles Sharma Naidu.

1st mood board after my 18years

Okay, first of all I felt so sorry that i can't attend the class, Because i was still sick,fever. 2D design Is one of my favorite class.Well,this is my mood board for the assignment,I chose to do the interior mood boards as I am aspiring to be an interior architect or designer or so on. The area I chose to design my is a small design studio and the theme is based on PUNK rock. .Why?we called punk a hippie also because they hate mainstream and they are rebellious same as us the Designers,we hate mainstream stuff and we are rebellious,and this made us to create new things in order to push the mainstream thingy away. Incorporate PUNK with the designer is fun because
Punk is rebellious so the design for the studio will be rebellious as well,this will drive us the designers to be more creative and let us jump upside down without stress because we do not have a rule in design,no format. The way I arranged my picture in my mood board also stick to style of punk,designer,rebellious and that's why the pictures are not place in order.
I would like to have a leather sofa bed.A glass desktop with black and white graphic design on it plus neon green chromium desk leg.Below the desk must place one rug.The reason why I place this large glass desk in the middle is before everyone can move around the workstation.
Below the sofa is a higher ground which we cAlled a small stage.there are two empty corner. These two empty corners,I will place 1 punk zebra statue and one super aestectic designer chair.Other than that the main wall I will paint it with neon red plus black show it more neon.,will update more for this and a better writing:? As i am still very dizzy and not very conscious.Sorry

Sunday 14 October 2012

Monogram finale presentation, everyone went quite smoothly but accept me LOL, well is not as bad as you thought actually haha. Well, i was kinda very 'sick' last friday during that lovely presentation day.
Woke up early in the morning, i feel like i am running on the dessert. It was super hot, my mind was like BOOHOO man, today is monogram  presentation day and Mr.fever, you got to be kidding me. I can't skipped this important class because it is so important. I packed my stuff and drive like a Drunker to the University because i double pill of flu medicine and fever medicine. The moment i reach Uni, i was so high is like Jowin In The Wonderland. Climbed up the building like those hardworking ants. Alright soon or later i reached the Level 5 design studio and i threw my bag on the drafting table and faint.
On my right, this is a picture of my failed print product compare to the others. Why,? you really want me to say? Okay, Monkey jumping in my head. (not so conscious) kinda clumsy that time, i accidentally dirty my white tee and my print was not that nice haha. Is kinda bad luck no it is super bad luck. Well, it doesn,t mean the whole product is a failure. Good things comes after bad things occurred. To be honest i improvised it to become a washed print and i am the one in the class who did different things from the others i realize. Haha. But that shirt can't wear anymore because it is dirty with paint. So, i cut it out. I kinda sad that time because everyone has a product to wear on but i just wasted it. 1/0 to jowin, because i always has a PLAN B. I brought my canvas bag along.And i mimic my print into a 3cm X 3cm size.
Tell you something, my bag is kinda success ! SO hand claps for me! Anyway thanks to Miss Liza she gave me quite a lot of guidance for all my assignments.