Friday 30 November 2012

live painting with music

It was a Friday morning, and we, the design students being assigned with the first ever live painting with music project happened in Taylor’s University. First of all, what is live painting? Live painting basically is a expressive painting. But why with music? In the history of art and music movement, Art is the fuse of the music or either way whereby these two element must be combined together to make something extraordinary. Music helps artist to express their inner feeling and also can ignites artist inner soul and talents. Well, on that day Miss Lisa played two genre of music; which is the classical genre and the pop genre. The songs from classical genre was all Mozart sonata if I am not wrong. I have the strong feelings to this classical genre, Maybe I am a pianist and I have gone through the bad experience of my trainings. I painted Mozart in red to show the unbeatable musicianship in every musicians. Musicians have gone through a lot of bad experience and a lot bad critics.

Left is the classical painting, which I call the the MOZART EFFECT. Right is the pop song painting. Pop song painting, i called it the psychedelic pop. Well, it might also look like Picasso cubism. Why, Picasso cubism? Remembering Picasso wanted to be different from every artist so he use an unconventional way of drawing which I will named him as the hippie of art. In our gen-y culture, we struggle to be different from everyone but there is one thing in the gen-y mind is everyone should be equal social level and this whole relates to hippies. I painted in psychedelic is to express the gen-y culture. You might questioned what do the phone and the Darth Vader represents? Phone represents our way of socialism has changed in gen-y. Darth Vader represents the modernization of our technology. And these relates back to the phone, we know we live in the high technology culture and in this high tech society, we all must have an smart phone. These high tech smart phone caused our socializing skill faced the down fall. Because text more we speak.

Monday 26 November 2012

Pre final for batik


 Have you heard about Alice in the hororland? Project Batik is giving  a chance to made one.  Alright, the good news is we being assigned with a major project again prepared by Miss Lisa. This time we get into group of four. Victoria, Carmen and Chi yan are my group mates this time. Alright three ambitious girls in my group now should be very hardcore on working some gorgeous artwork out. At first, we brainstorm quite a lot of idea. The first idea came by was Let’s do winter theme plus some candy and cupcake design on it. Candy and Cupcake design was from Victoria because she love it so much. And when we talk about winter, Chiyan thought off snowflake then she became so enthusiastic because snowflake is her cat’s name. Woo, Animal. Okay. Then I was playing poker cards that time, I freaking thought of why dun we use poker cards pattern? Victoria quickly said lets do Alice! Carmen, In The Horrorland. Here is two sketched with I have with me . Left is mine while right is belongs to Victoria’s one.

Thursday 22 November 2012

mood board part 2

Well, this is my second mood board which the theme given by Miss Lisa instead
we choose ourself. This time she gave me a theme called the Arabian birthday night. I was thinking on that night she gave this theme. What is Arabian night?
Luckily onthat night my little cousins were watching  Aladdin, is a cartoon by Disney channel. From there I got my inspiration. Well it will be a nice party, if the whole event area uses candlelight as the light source and it will be better than use electricity for the chandelier with is no good for the world. The invitation card would be brilliant if it stick a handmade genie’s oil lamp. Other than that, from the left, I collage it by stacking layers with layers to show the combination of different stuff that wanted to use to decorate the floor plan and the outcome is so obvious to be seen through my mood  board. The cake design should be an unconventional cake design. So I choose some designs that are directly relate to the Arabian style whereby the has the unique Arabian theme color and on top of the cake with have a 3d oil lamp sugar sculpture on it. Well, this is my mood board for the ARABIAN BIRTHDAY NIGHT.