Monday 26 November 2012

Pre final for batik


 Have you heard about Alice in the hororland? Project Batik is giving  a chance to made one.  Alright, the good news is we being assigned with a major project again prepared by Miss Lisa. This time we get into group of four. Victoria, Carmen and Chi yan are my group mates this time. Alright three ambitious girls in my group now should be very hardcore on working some gorgeous artwork out. At first, we brainstorm quite a lot of idea. The first idea came by was Let’s do winter theme plus some candy and cupcake design on it. Candy and Cupcake design was from Victoria because she love it so much. And when we talk about winter, Chiyan thought off snowflake then she became so enthusiastic because snowflake is her cat’s name. Woo, Animal. Okay. Then I was playing poker cards that time, I freaking thought of why dun we use poker cards pattern? Victoria quickly said lets do Alice! Carmen, In The Horrorland. Here is two sketched with I have with me . Left is mine while right is belongs to Victoria’s one.

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