Saturday 29 September 2012

Jowin's foo monogram finale walkthru,i actually used back the same design but slightly changed a little lol.Thanks to miss Lisa,just a few millimeters adjustment she made,has enhance my monogram and it contains more cool stuff in it. Can you see my monogram consist of my Initial( J , F ),and a face in it.It is so obvious and beautiful mould,You must tell me that you can see and if you can't then you better make an appointment with the optical specialist,sorry for being sarcastic.My mom which almost hit 50 year,she straight away told me about what are in the monogram after a glance.So yeah,it was friday,we actually finalize it and do some hands-on printing  tryout on an object.The printing tryout is too make sure us to some skills to it so that we that we can proceed to our assignment successfully.Objective of the assignment is to design and print my own monograms on any objects.Well the tryout actually turn out quite beautiful and wonderful,it was awesome and i have to thanks to Victoria for donating me the sponge brush while yoongrui provide me the fabric paint.I do brought along my paint but it was watercolor.

this is so beautiful.I can't wait for the object printing on next friday!!!!


Well,first of all i felt so glad that i have this Pro lecturer,she is a owner of a jewelry company,jewelry designer cum graphic designer whom just won an AWARD!!!Miss pro,demo her hands on skill in front of us on how to cut out a stencil perfectly.By the way,this is for the monogram Print.
Oops,she was focusing while we were so excited on cutting out out own stencil.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Create anything for anyone is simple,because we just do what there want only,create and design for self is kinda hard because the thingy you created must represents you for your entire left.Monogram and logo is a basic thing that symbolize us.Just like the other designers such as LV,PRADA,GUCCI and so on.Well,lets just stick to the point.Miss lisa actually ask us to create our own monogram cum logo.Take a look at the pic on the top left.Basically i actually designed own monogram or so called logo during my lower level in high school because i was aspiring to be an designer in the future.Tell you something,in high school,wherever some assignments related to art,people sure look into me and my another friend,Felicia.That is why so eager to make my own logo,because i wanna be somebody.This was my teenage dream though i knew it is kinda succeed,it needs a lot of handwork and patience.I accepted the challenge,that is why i chose Design instead of medical line.
This is my tryout,after miss OXOLOCO nominated the two best design to me.I admitted that i was lucky because my initial is kinda easy to make something cooool. I did some experimental try out as well in my lovely ILLUSTRATOR APP.

well,i love pattern print as well,so i 'SYOK SENDIRI' try to make one by using my tryout monogram.

WELL,the monogram in this are not the finals....

Friday 21 September 2012

PROJECT STEAMPUNK,basically is a movie about a war between fantasy creatures and the humans.This time,we not gonna put human as a good species,we twisted it,human is a sinful creature which full deceptions.Okay,maybe you will feel quite lost now.HAHA.Well,This story is a metaphor of World War 2 but is not the whole world war chaos.It is just part of the famous chaos which happen during the world war,Between the Germans and Jewish.Still remember?Do you what happened?If you don't know,sucks for you because you must worst then the FIFTH GRADE student,YOU MUST OPEN UP THE HISTORY BOOK.Sorry for that insulting line.Human portray as the Germans,Fantasy creatures portray as the jewish.Why?Based on our observation human still shake hands with the three most deadly sins which is greed,jealousy and deception.So,sinful Human in Project steampunk movie can portray them as germans because of our bad sins whereas the fantasy creatures portray as the jewish because the personification of fantasy creature is almost the,they are smart and kind.Okay here's the STORY,well.After the apocalypse of the fantasy world,everything on earth are vanish,only left a species of flora and fauna survive,some of the humans and some fantasy creatures survive too.Well,electricity supply are down as well.In short,it is doomsday.Human have to rely on fantasy creature to rebuilt because the genius all died during the apocalypse.Honestly,apocalypse happened because of human's fault.At first,human begged for help from the fantasy creatures to rebuilt the world,fantasy creatures did not even care about it because they knew human mind always filled with deception.Human didn't gave up on asking fantasy creature for a hand.In the end soft-hearted fantasy creatures ended helping the human to rebuilt the world.How human successfully persuaded the fantasy creatures?only by one quotation or a line,The world is belongs to everyone,our home,together we can rebuilt our home back.(Behind the hand of humans,Humans actually lied to the fantasy creatures,it was part of their deceptive plan).NO ELECTRICITY,with the help of fantasy creatures,They invented the steam energy tech.Everything is operate by using steam energy,a more recycle fuel and energy.After humans have gain this kinda knowledge,humans began to reveal their own original plan.The plan is use the fantasy creature to invent new tech and enslave them so that they can once again own the world or earth.WAR STARTED.

Monday 17 September 2012

Progress of Steampunk

The progress of making a brand new movie poster is actually not the simple,along the whole journey that we have been gone through,we also experienced quite difficulties.Planning a story is simple...but relate a story to a situation or a true story in a contextual way(metaphor) is challenge.But is alright haha,this is the way we challenge ourselves to work beyond limits!Story planning was inspired by George Lucas,Star Wars creator on how Mr Lucas made Star Wars became a metaphor of the Japanese army or ww2 maybe?hahah
With mouth spoken ideas is not enough,obviously.So we decided to work like a true designer,which we prepared a cute sketchbook/
journal to brainstorm.Draw and sketch everything we wanna use,research and research
I haven introduce my group partners for this project.Victoria as the editor and typography.Chiyan as the painter.and me as the biological adobe,illustrator.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Steampunk basically is a fictional futuristic culture where our world used steam to produce energy.There is no electricity, NO OTTO von Guericke.Imagine your phone,watch and computers are powered on without using electricity but only using steam kinetic energy.Our electronic device won't be like the iPhone.It will look like the ugly bulky phone but somehow it looks nice haha to   at it.Well lets talk about when does it took place,took place in the Victorian era but include advanced machines based on 19th century technology or can be took place in more recent era just throw the electricity idea away and dress them with more futuristic victorian era clothing(consists element of goth).Steampunk is so interesting is that because,it not only consists of technology but also the supernatural power.OMGOSH it is so fantasy.Well,steampunk actually is not a really well define sub genre.All i can do is let you all see with your own naked eye haha.
In steampunk,we always see the rusted metal or bronze color metal and also the grandfather watch.In movie or posters,the designer always use the sepia color for background the fulfill the overall contrast of the object in the movie or poster.Sepia color also tell us the mood or one particular movie and poster even in Games.Victorian period,it was a war world period.The scene of the steampunk movie will often be something bad happening,negative views. I love steampunk because we can create the story in our way and we can apply our originality to it as well.

Well left caption is the video of the game based on steampunk sci-fi plus some kinda fantasy in it.GAME NAMED BIOSHOCK:INFINITE.I have been observing their logo design.Steampunk logo design are normally very vintage and the typo is somehow forever are engrave to the pieces of rusty and yellowish metal board.Kinda interesting,let me do more research first.Other than that,there is two more fictional movie are based on steampunk which the SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN.WILL UPDATE THAT SOON.Stay tuned.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Yeap, This my expanded square based on the Notan concept. Well, designs on expanded square doesn't has to be the floral or others mainstream patterns in my opinion. I changed the mainstream way by replace those floral and fauna patterns to something more graphical. I admit that i am a quite expressive person in the artistic view but not on the social view.I can't really express my feelings through communication,all i can is through expressing my feeling towards the artworks or the song i played. Actually,i did not realized that i have this kinda problem at first,i knew it because my music mentor tell me. Oh god,i have the problem on expressing my feeling to the social.Okay,This lord of shadows is actually based on my mood,and my expression that i had during i was doing this assignment.This graphic cut out symbolized ANGER,FRUSTRATION AND IMPATIENCE.I used red collaborate with the angry human and tiger  because it can really makes you feel the anger in me.

Carnivorous animal signifies violent and angry.When a human being possess this kinda mood,i mean the anger mood,we really looks like a carnivorous animal and start to act violently.MY IDEA?Why DO I USE SINS and MOOD? I found out that i am interested on designing the graphics based on sins and mood during the last semester, Creative Thinking Skills. I can show you my example which taken from my Idea Journal.LEFT CAPTION: GREED. I just do wanna quit my series of illustration,i wanna continue it.Just another method to illustrate.Well, why i was angry during the time i was doing assignment?I was playing my video game while doing this assignment.My 2nd controller malfunctioned,which is spoiled!This is my last controller and friday i gonna bring to my friend's house to enjoy the weekend. Gah, i fix it for more that 1 hour.The suck-iest thing in my controller after i clean it Oh GOD,i love and take care it so much just like my girlfriend and children.This is the return?Not just because of this small matter,my dad lecture me when first step back to home from outstation gah. He ask me not to spend too much on branded stuff.Well,i didn't even spend man!Is my mum give me.This is unfair,my dad actually buys branded stuff for my younger sis for her primary school.I didn't got that treatment from you i guess.All is from mummy.Okay, lets end this stupid mood change stuff.I am mature enough to think what is wrong and whats is right for me.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Woohoo!!!freaking 5 hours for just one part of my expanded square!!!!!

Man,wao! The concept of expanded square is Notan (のたん), it is like the YIN YANG concept as well. Basically what is notan? The word Notan means Dark-light,The concept is THE INTERACTION BETWEEN POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SPACE, erm like the Ying and Yang. Positive and negative which also known as Field and Ground. This is what i learned from PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN,MR SEAN...which is him from Facebook~>~~~~~~~~>
.This Notan is important for us to learn, it is like a base for print making,silkscreen printing and this two Print making method must have the application of Notan Concept in order to achieve something extraordinary like this in the future upcoming T-shirt print making activity. Well, back to basics,why notan is so important?Eastern culture, the originator of Notan, seeks a more balanced view of the world and of design as it relates to our human experience of the world.(

To practice the notan concept,the easiest to practice was also The expanded square method. Yeah now i know why Notan plays a vital role in this expansion square,i was totally confuse during the first lecture of this. Now, i totally understood! After i read this document from

Symmetry and asymmetry both must use in the expansion square to achieve the major principles of design,mainly covers the figure and ground,unity and repetition. An asymmetrical design will, by its nature, consist of shapes which are not alike. Even though this is true, the design should also be strong enough to stand up to scrutiny from all angles. If the expanded square has succeeded, it should have an interesting shape in what remains of the original square, and also feel well-balanced in terms of the expanded parts and how they interact with one another.( 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Some Graphics printing for UTGP 13 by JOWIN FOO

Well,this is my 1st entry for the submission..and it is based on the ROCK BAND named KISS.Oops,i haven't say what was this about,this is actually a competition which will held every year by UNIQLO.The UTGRANDPRIx,hence UTGP.

This is the entry No.(^~^)V,hehehe. CODENAME SEX PISTOL in THE PICTOGRAM.
I designed as in for the memorial for SID VICIOUS,an artist in this band who plays very significant role.So called BLOOMER of the BAND.

DENG DENG DENG,NO 3 design.THE ACDC!!!!woohoo..highway to hell,highway to hell.The reason why i illustrate on the brown grunge back group is because i want it to be simple and retro without color and also to be more original.Highway to hell....

Here comes MADONNA's signature move,The M-Moves.

Man this one my favorite entry..LOL THE a band existed during the MOD subculture period,and the band was so popular during the 60's and 70's.Most important thing is,They actually revived Mod subculture by only one song.Named QUADROPHENIA.It was revolutionary to revive a subculture.So,i decided to connect and it within my design concept.Equals mod+THE WHO. SO i actually have a name for this,MOD COOPER.