Thursday 6 September 2012

Man,wao! The concept of expanded square is Notan (のたん), it is like the YIN YANG concept as well. Basically what is notan? The word Notan means Dark-light,The concept is THE INTERACTION BETWEEN POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SPACE, erm like the Ying and Yang. Positive and negative which also known as Field and Ground. This is what i learned from PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN,MR SEAN...which is him from Facebook~>~~~~~~~~>
.This Notan is important for us to learn, it is like a base for print making,silkscreen printing and this two Print making method must have the application of Notan Concept in order to achieve something extraordinary like this in the future upcoming T-shirt print making activity. Well, back to basics,why notan is so important?Eastern culture, the originator of Notan, seeks a more balanced view of the world and of design as it relates to our human experience of the world.(

To practice the notan concept,the easiest to practice was also The expanded square method. Yeah now i know why Notan plays a vital role in this expansion square,i was totally confuse during the first lecture of this. Now, i totally understood! After i read this document from

Symmetry and asymmetry both must use in the expansion square to achieve the major principles of design,mainly covers the figure and ground,unity and repetition. An asymmetrical design will, by its nature, consist of shapes which are not alike. Even though this is true, the design should also be strong enough to stand up to scrutiny from all angles. If the expanded square has succeeded, it should have an interesting shape in what remains of the original square, and also feel well-balanced in terms of the expanded parts and how they interact with one another.( 

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