Sunday 23 September 2012

Create anything for anyone is simple,because we just do what there want only,create and design for self is kinda hard because the thingy you created must represents you for your entire left.Monogram and logo is a basic thing that symbolize us.Just like the other designers such as LV,PRADA,GUCCI and so on.Well,lets just stick to the point.Miss lisa actually ask us to create our own monogram cum logo.Take a look at the pic on the top left.Basically i actually designed own monogram or so called logo during my lower level in high school because i was aspiring to be an designer in the future.Tell you something,in high school,wherever some assignments related to art,people sure look into me and my another friend,Felicia.That is why so eager to make my own logo,because i wanna be somebody.This was my teenage dream though i knew it is kinda succeed,it needs a lot of handwork and patience.I accepted the challenge,that is why i chose Design instead of medical line.
This is my tryout,after miss OXOLOCO nominated the two best design to me.I admitted that i was lucky because my initial is kinda easy to make something cooool. I did some experimental try out as well in my lovely ILLUSTRATOR APP.

well,i love pattern print as well,so i 'SYOK SENDIRI' try to make one by using my tryout monogram.

WELL,the monogram in this are not the finals....

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