Friday 21 September 2012

PROJECT STEAMPUNK,basically is a movie about a war between fantasy creatures and the humans.This time,we not gonna put human as a good species,we twisted it,human is a sinful creature which full deceptions.Okay,maybe you will feel quite lost now.HAHA.Well,This story is a metaphor of World War 2 but is not the whole world war chaos.It is just part of the famous chaos which happen during the world war,Between the Germans and Jewish.Still remember?Do you what happened?If you don't know,sucks for you because you must worst then the FIFTH GRADE student,YOU MUST OPEN UP THE HISTORY BOOK.Sorry for that insulting line.Human portray as the Germans,Fantasy creatures portray as the jewish.Why?Based on our observation human still shake hands with the three most deadly sins which is greed,jealousy and deception.So,sinful Human in Project steampunk movie can portray them as germans because of our bad sins whereas the fantasy creatures portray as the jewish because the personification of fantasy creature is almost the,they are smart and kind.Okay here's the STORY,well.After the apocalypse of the fantasy world,everything on earth are vanish,only left a species of flora and fauna survive,some of the humans and some fantasy creatures survive too.Well,electricity supply are down as well.In short,it is doomsday.Human have to rely on fantasy creature to rebuilt because the genius all died during the apocalypse.Honestly,apocalypse happened because of human's fault.At first,human begged for help from the fantasy creatures to rebuilt the world,fantasy creatures did not even care about it because they knew human mind always filled with deception.Human didn't gave up on asking fantasy creature for a hand.In the end soft-hearted fantasy creatures ended helping the human to rebuilt the world.How human successfully persuaded the fantasy creatures?only by one quotation or a line,The world is belongs to everyone,our home,together we can rebuilt our home back.(Behind the hand of humans,Humans actually lied to the fantasy creatures,it was part of their deceptive plan).NO ELECTRICITY,with the help of fantasy creatures,They invented the steam energy tech.Everything is operate by using steam energy,a more recycle fuel and energy.After humans have gain this kinda knowledge,humans began to reveal their own original plan.The plan is use the fantasy creature to invent new tech and enslave them so that they can once again own the world or earth.WAR STARTED.

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